Phone, Netflix, cable, music, and books were all repeat answers from class of things people cannot survive without. Besides the basic essentials like food, water and shelter, it's obvious that the world today wouldn't turn round without media. When I think of the media that we couldn't live without today, Netflix, smartphones, cable and music services are all ones that come to mind first. Everyone still needs their daily media fix, but the media being put out is ever-changing to fit into our quickly modernizing society. With the shift from print media to technology based news forms, journalists have had to be creative and quick on their feet to adjust to the ever changing world of news.
During the rest of class we answered other questions about our media consumption and it was apparent that most of us still seek out daily news from a variety of sources, New York Times daily email briefings, the daily newspaper, News channels on TV and Twitter. However, we are reluctant to pay for them, with the exception of cable, because of the ease of access we already have to them. With the ever changing world of media and society as a whole, it is easy to predict that the world of media will continue to change, but hard to picture what the future of media may be like in 5, 10, or even 50 years.