They say, "all good things must come to an end," and though I have talked about the uprise of technology in the media industry, it doesn't come without the end of others. With the internet comes the end of newspapers. Print newspapers, though some people still have them delivered to there door everyday, are dying out because the internet gives us instant access to whatever news information there is in seconds. In order to conform to this new style of media, newspapers have also created digital versions of their print news through websites and email briefings.
With smartphones comes the end of landlines. All of the social media, internet access, and communication features that come with a smartphone have led to many homes completely getting rid of their landlines which no longer have any use that the smartphone doesn't bring.
With Netflix and streaming services comes the end of Cable TV, Redbox, and Blockbuster stores. Netflix and other streaming services like Youtube TV, Hulu, and Disney + offer all of the shows and channels that can be found on Cable for half the price of actually having Cable. And with streaming services that offer hundreds of movies and shows for one price right on your TV at home, people have no need to visit RedBoxes or Blockbuster to rent a movie for two days and bring it back. I remember when the Blockbuster stores started to close back in 2010, and since then it has been downhill for all movie stores.
For a while, there was a threat to the United States postal service due to the fact that mail was dying out. In class we talked about how Amazon signed a contract with the U.S. Post service, and could even work to own the postal service. This would eliminate severe revenue loss that they have struggled with since 2007. Below is an interesting article about the cost benefits of Amazon purchasing the U.S. Postal Service.