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Social media platforms are working off of each other

Alyssa Stevens

Social media platforms today seem to just be stealing each other's ideas in order to keep up with the flow of modern media. Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram are all using new start ups from each other and calling them their own. For example, Facebook and Instagram, who is owned by Facebook, both introduced a story feature to their app for users to post 24 hour long pictures and videos. it is a more current form of social media because it is generally something that is happening right then or within 24 hours, keeping user's feeds up to date.

You can also like and comment on all of the above social media platforms except Snapchat. and if you like or comment people can see that activity on the post. A feature that Snapchat has that their users utilize a lot is the fact that you can save all of the pictures and videos you take in the app like a separate camera roll. However, Snapchat is different from your photo albums that come with the phones because snapchat allows for fun filters and text that call all be saved.

I have created a new start-up idea that would come in handy for Snapchat users. The Snapchat camera roll should allow for the same "people" feature that the camera roll on an iPhone has. In the camera roll on the iPhone there is a separate album with pictures of the same people grouped together. It identifies the face of one person and picks out all the pictures of that same person, and does the same for all other recognizable faces in your camera roll. Snapchat users would find this helpful because instead of looking through all of your photos and videos for one person you can go to the people section and find all of the pictures grouped together.

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